Are you using a Racial Equity Framework to influence policy and affect systems level change yet? It's never to late to start!
Theory of Change for Equity
We at The Authentic Preschool and AP Consulting acknowledge 5 Key Factors to authentic movement toward equity in our schools, workplaces and communities:
1 Collective acknowledgement of a need for change
2 Collective commitment to make that change
3 Specific plans for change
4 Dedicated implementation of action
5 Continuous feedback loops, progress monitoring, updates, calibration and evolution of those plans and actions
An Equity Framework can provide both a call to action and a plan of action for starting the hard work of centering equity and sparking the work that makes change. If you build it they will come...the change will happen because it’s time, and people want it. They just need a way to get it done.
Long-term goals for organizations may include:
AP Consulting can help you set equity goals and meet them. Talk to a consultant today!
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